DFMX ready-made solutions

The fintech platform that creates and implements modern processing solutions at the crossroad of the banking sector, payment system and blockchain technology.

About DFMX

DFMX platform offers fully-fledged end-to-end solutions for banking. 

In one hub we united banking, processing and cryptocurrency technologies to offer a variety of bundle ready-made solutions for all kinds of business models built upon 25 years of fintech experience around the world.

DFMS platform offers a full range of services from card issuance, acquiring, ATM and POS, merchant network management, MO/TO transactions to peer-to-peer solutions and iRV systems.

Our experience includes the implementation of:

  • banking core systems in European, South American and CIS markets
  • security standards of R.A.M.P., PCI DSS I, PIN DSS
  • blockchain-based products of various scale
Our mission
and vision

We are empowering businesses by cutting their road to innovative solutions with ready-made solutions. DFMX platform allows our customers to strengthen their core offerings and competitiveness with industry-first tech tools so they can focus on what they do best. We are committed to utilizing our team and industry knowledge to develop technical solutions for the future of fintech.

Our story


The start of the history, the year of the foundation of the CardCenter. This was the first MasterCard processing center, initiated by Europay International for the biggest banks in Eastern Europe.


The creation of DFMX Group. Merger of companies with a traditional banking software development and a digital technology products creation, based on blockchain.


The innovation integration of the banking processing solution and blockchain. A direct card authorization through our own blockchain in online mode in a crypto token without any currency conversion. We combined the crypto, banking and processing technologies, launched the first in the world: DFMX BANKING, BANKCRAFT AND DIGITAL EXCHANGE PLATFORMS.


The launch of a new business direction BANKCRAFT. This is a new global approach for the bank and financial sector: one product and one technology in one solution, based on our own banking core, cards processing platform and blockchain with a CRM, developed on the mobile phone application.

Our team is located in

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